Well, how to start!! Just
wanted to know the day I joined facebook as to know my bondage years---first I
tried by a facebook application named “When did you first visit facebook?” It
came June 2008 but I felt it wasn’t the exact one (as always happens with most
of facebook applications as they are for fun only) and so I checked my hotmail for
“Confirmation mail” of joining facebook and then I got the
exact date as “JUNE 07 “ And it has been about 4 years of friendship with facebook.
From then to now, much has changed with facebook
and with me also but one thing has grown my crave for facebook. Initially, from
once in 3 months to once in 30 minutes in laptop and once in 3 minutes (in
mobile when there’s load-shedding) simply says how much I love facebook.
Many say facebook is just a wastage of time, it may
hold true for them but for me it is just a friend to me and would never be my
Facebook has given me:
Facebook has given me:
Ä A time to spent when
Ä An opportunity to meet my
childhood friends (if facebook wasn’t there; may be I wouldn’t have known about
them also)
Ä A time to keep myself away
from watching the same hindi movies again and again and the worthless TV serials.
Ä A platform to share
Ä New ideas and new friends
Well to summarize the impact of facebook; I
entitled facebook the award of best buddy of mine of year 2010.
in touch…..
otherwise it's same to my story on fb :p
If we go on conversing about facebook,the world may come to an end but the chat won't still finish. Facebook has created such an impact on all of us,we can hardly think of being without it. In fact, facebook is where all mah frenz resides.
Lovely article. Keep writin'.